I want to use captcha for all the comment form. Because there is lot of SPAM's on my site.
commentform.inc.php ->
PHP код:
// CAPTCHA hack by SVL
// begin captcha
if (rc_get_option('use_captcha') && !$xoopsUser)
session_start(); // captcha session
<br />
<p><u><?php echo _INTERCAPKEY; ?></u>
<br />
<?php echo "<img src=\"".XOOPS_URL."/class/kcaptcha/kcaptcha.php?".session_name()."=".session_id()."\" alt=\"\" />"; ?>
<br />
<input type="text" name="keystring" /></p>
echo "<br /><br />";
// end captcha
Enabled the Captcha, but this hack is'nt working?? Help please all?