Планируемый срок - 24 декабря
Changelog на данный момент
[+] XoopsPageNav - add support mod_rewrite pages for navigation
[+] Experimantal optional CORE COMPILED KERNEL feature (turned off by defaul).
Extremely increase speed of RunCMS by removing at least 6 SQL queries on EVERY page
For on this feature go to class/core.php near line 56 and set
* Use compliled file
var $compiling = true;
[!] It should be done when site is fully installed & tuned. If you need to make changes in groups, modules. blocks, smilies
you MUST turn off compiled kernel, delete cache/compiled_kernel.php file, tune the CMS and ONLY AFTER you fully finish your works
turn on the compiling.
[+] add new RCCachedPage class for developers
[-] vulnerability in pagetype using (Thanks for Zormax)
[-] chmod in cache blocks (Thanks for tatarin)
[-] change theme in preferences
[-] fix layout in mydownloads item
[-] TextSanitizer - remove multiple calling of getSmiliesFromDB() method
[-] XoopsModule - fix processing urls with & in rewrited_url() method
[-] NEWBB_PLUS - missed & in urls of archive pages
[-] HEADLINES - use SNOOPY from RunCMS and remove their own copy
[-] NEWS - wrong month's detecting (Thanks for big_vyvorot)
[-] NEWS - wrong logic of topics views (Tnx Jurastik for bug-report)
[-] NEWS - missed mod_rewrited topic links in topic.php
[-] NEWS - many small error with bouneded with dirty coding style on some new version of PHP
[!] For all developers - NEVER! NEVER use GET/POST vars as GLOBAL variable - use $_GET, $_POST arrays!!!
[-] Fatal error in userinfo.php when user not found (Tnx 2San for bug-report)
[-] not highlighting of the IPs with .0. parts in MyTextsanitizer class
[-] get blocks from handler instead dublicate creation of theirs in XoopsBlock::getAllBlocksByGroup() & XoopsBlock::getAllBlocks()
[-] Blind SQL Injection in mydownloads (Tnx Alexandr Polyakov from Digital Security Research Group)
[-] XSS vulnerability in XoopsPageNav class (Tnx Alexandr Polyakov from Digital Security Research Group)
"А почему в RunCMS глючит ... ?"
"Глупые винят других. Умные – себя. А мудрые идут вперед". (С)